3 Day Choir Participant Choir members are required to participate for all 3 daysSaving Price: $695.00 USD until 08/01/2019General Registration Fee starts on 08/02/2019 $995.00 USD– Choir Participants are required to meet all terms upon registration– Additional Fees for Assigned Seating- Seating assigned at check in
Performance Day September 13,2019 Only 20 seats available Times: TBA
IMPORTANT: Participants staying off property are subject to $83.00 event fee per person per day ($250.00). Fee will be added to event registration.
In order to offer all participants low choir registration rates, the hotel is guaranteed a percentage of room nights to be booked by the our group. The guarantee provides the event a lower venue fee hence the rates for the choir not increasing. Participants who wish to stay off site may do so with off site fee.
Not applicable to local scholarships
There is a pre-requisite for joining the Choir in Bulgaria! It is important that everyone participating in the ceremony know the toning basics to be able to sing together as a choir. Therefore, you need to have completed training in the Pineal Tones either through an in-person seminar with Dr. Todd between 2012 and Sep 1st 2019 or through the webinar — Pineal Tones online seminar with Dr Todd. If you have participated in a previous choir as a “choirster” (singer) then you will qualify for this one. You can register for the Bulgaria before you complete your required rehearsal – you only need to promise that you will complete your course before September 1st, 2019.
Dr. Todd is welcoming all Bulgarians, who feel the calling to choir, to participate in this remarkable event regardless of financial constraints.
Would you like to support local choir participants? Full Sponsorship or any of the suggested amounts below:
$250.00 USD Full Sponsorship - $125.00 USD - $75.00 USD
Group Code: This only applies to groups. Please obtain your group code from your group leader or connect with to process your registration. LEAVE BLANK if you are not part of a group.